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Software development

Differences between UX and UI

Dans le monde du web, les termes UX et UI sont fréquemment utilisés en tant que termes interchangeables, et sont souvent regroupés en tant que «UX / UI» lorsqu'ils font référence à un aspect ambigu du design web. Un coup d’oeil sur les rétro-acronymes (ouais, le nouveau mot du jour) nous permets d’avoir un petit aperçu des différences entre ceux-ci: UX signifie User Experience Design (Expérience utilisateur). UI signifie User Interface Design (Interface utilisateur).

The Three Types of Patents and Their Application Processes

Behind any great product is an inventor -- and a patent. Patents are a powerful form of intellectual property protection. They can save inventions from infringement, provide lucrative licensing and monetization opportunities, and give your new invention a heightened level of credibility to attract inventors.

Why ASP.NET May Be Right For Your Next Project

What is ASP.NET? ASP.NET is part of the .NET Framework, a group of .NET platforms providing mobile computing, embedded devices, alternative operating systems, and web browser plug-in services. The .NET Framework was originally proprietary Microsoft software but became standardized soon after its initial release. It’s now free and open source.

Magento Magic

Thirteen Reasons Why Magento Makes eCommerce Cents. Magento is an open-source eCommerce platform written in PHP that was initially released for general availability in 2008. Varien, Inc., a company out of California, was the original Magento developer. Early on, however, eBay acquired Magento from Varien and continued its development into the platform that it is today.

What’s Old is New, and What’s New is Old: PHP

Why You Might Want to Write Your Web Applications in PHP. Hypertext Preprocessor, better known as PHP, is a server-side scripting language for web developers that can also be used for general programming and embedded into HyperText Markup Language “HTML.” To break the definition down further, PHP combines HTML with embedded code, rather than running high numbers of commands, to create an output. PHP supports a notably more functionality than HTML alone does.

Why not WordPress?

The World’s Most Popular CMS Shouldn’t Be the Top Dog. Before we make a case, let’s lay out the basics: WordPress is a free, open-source Content Management System (CMS) that utilizes the PHP scripting language and MySQL, an open-source relational database management system. In order to use WordPress, it must be installed on a web server that’s part of an Internet hosting service or network host.

The Giants of Cloud Computing

With the foreseeable future being so strongly influenced by technological changes in the arena of cloud computing, it is important for any entrepreneur doing business online to have a solid appraisal of the landscape. Even if you are not the tech specialist of your business, knowing how each of the major cloud computing companies functions and measures up can be vital to your profitability and success online. Building your sites, mobile apps, and support in the cloud can ensure persistent presence, allowing customers around the globe to keep connected with your company and the products you offer; however, without careful planning, costs can skyrocket.

The Main Frames: Node JS, React JS, & Angular JS

A Quick Overview of Popular JavaScript Frameworks. If you can get past the fact that JavaScript was originally called Mocha back in 1995, when it was first released, you’ll learn how fast it became the preferred web programming language due to its functionality and flexibility. As a note, it’s not to be confused with Java, another coffee term and different computer programming language.

3 Leading Database Management Software Platforms Explained

Understanding 3 Leading Database Management Software Platforms. Databases, as a structure, are absolutely essential for nearly all types of business in the modern day. Whether utilized for abstract purposes, like the foundation for the storage of reference data for other programs, or for very straightforward purposes like storing customer phone numbers in a central location for easy access. As a result, it is beneficial for any business owner to have at least a basic understanding of database management software.

A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding the .Net Framework

Created by tech industry colossus, Microsoft, the .Net Framework serves as the foundation for the creation of a hugely flexible range of applications, primarily for the Microsoft Windows operating systems and the major mobile operating systems of iOS, Android, and Windows Mobile. Since its official release in 2002, the .Net Framework has proven to be vital to the creation of some of the most popular applications, video games, and toolsets of the last fifteen years. The framework itself is fascinating, and what has been done with it is nothing short of exciting. In this blog, we’ll explore the history, function, and a handful of the incredible products that have been made using Microsoft’s .Net Framework.

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Nixa is a specialized programming firm, expert in complex and custom web development. Based in downtown Montreal, Nixa provides web and application development services to businesses and organizations around the world in search of quality and performance.