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Software development

Reasons why Wagtail is a better CMS than WordPress

Wagtail (Content Mangement System) was launched in 2014 and, since then, it has quickly been gaining popularity among developers and content creators. Many companies have a tendency to go with Wordpress when rebuilding their website, this is mainly due to them being unaware of alternatives, like Wagtail, and all that it offers. In this post, we will explore the many advantages that Wagtail has over Wordpress and why it is a much better choice of CMS when deciding which technology to choose for your next web project.

How to choose between Sass and PostCSS

SASS is very popular and is one of the most well-known and used CSS pre-processors. However, it is always relevant to question our knowledge and to be open to the alternatives available on the market. That's why we propose a comparative analysis between SASS and POSTCSS in order to find out which technologies are best to adopt.

AI and eCommerce: A More Intelligent Future?

This week, Amazon announced yet another major step in their march towards artificial intelligence dominance: the integration of menial office task capability into Alexa, their artificial intelligence and voice shopping product. Alexa popularity has been steadily on the rise, just barely managing to pull ahead of Siri and Google Assistant in technology this year. Alexa’s new office skills, though, might prove to be the first major lead Amazon has on their competition.

The Newest Player in Android Programming

A Look at Kotlin, Google’s Official Language for Android Apps. Throughout 2016, Kotlin was consistently named a rising star among the coding languages for Android apps. Its first official release in February 2016 was welcomed as an alternative to the then-current Java and Android languages. While its popularity grew throughout 2016, in 2017 Kotlin is poised for a breakout year.

Migrate your Wordpress data efficiently

La migration de données depuis un site existant est l’une des tâches les plus complexes qu’implique une refonte de site web mais cela ne ternit en aucun cas son bien-fondé. Quand on renouvelle un design, c’est le bon moment pour revoir les fonctionnements internes d'un site afin d’en réduire le temps de réponse. Il est donc fréquent que le service de base de données change (backend) ou que l’ancien site use de différentes sources de données que l’on désire regrouper sous un même service de base de données.

Can children program?

Even in the midst of the computer age, surrounded by a multitude of forms of computers, few people know how these black boxes work. However, computers are much more accessible than we think, especially for children and teenagers. Computers are evolving at an exponential rate, but learning the technologies they use is not keeping pace with this evolution.

Nixa is a specialized programming firm, expert in complex and custom web development. Based in downtown Montreal, Nixa provides web and application development services to businesses and organizations around the world in search of quality and performance.