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Software development

The Main Frames: Node JS, React JS, & Angular JS

A Quick Overview of Popular JavaScript Frameworks

If you can get past the fact that JavaScript was originally called Mocha back in 1995, when it was first released, you’ll learn how fast it became the preferred web programming language due to its functionality and flexibility. As a note, it’s not to be confused with Java, another coffee term and different computer programming language.

JavaScript is a front-end programming language essential for creating an interactive user experience on websites. If you want to do anything modern, like concurrency, parallax, dynamic web forms, and responsive design, you’re going to want to use Javascript.

A web developer’s knowledge of JavaScript is essential. It is in high demand given its flexibility and the mobile-centric direction that web development is heading. While best known for creating a fantastic user experience on the front end, JavaScript can also be used on the back end for things like games, robots, and controllers. It’s a free language that doesn’t require installation or configuration on the client side. The learning curve isn’t as steep as other languages, and it doesn’t take long to become a seasoned programmer. With this in mind, the web developer you work with should be well scripted in this language and utilize it whenever possible. It’s the quicker, more efficient option in today’s web development world.

Familiarity with the different JavaScript frameworks is also important knowledge for a web developer to have. With that in mind, what, exactly, is a JavaScript framework? Frameworks are essentially software code written in a specific language, in this case, JavaScript, that makes it possible to build and deploy applications. Applications meaning software applications, like a word processor, a spreadsheet creator, or a photo editor. Frameworks are universal and reusable, allowing applications to be transferred and used from machine to machine.

JavaScript frameworks have a number of advantages, including enhanced efficiency, improved safety, and reduced cost. Hundreds of lines of code can be replaced with pre-built functions. In addition, many code frameworks attract communities that test and retest them, making improvements and security arrangements to ensure safety. Framework code is typically open source and free. With this knowledge, a developer can appropriately select and tailor a framework to meet your needs.

It should be noted that JavaScript frameworks aren’t libraries. A library, like compilers, tool sets, and application programming interfaces (APIs), is a support program within a framework. Frameworks bring support programs together to support development of a project or system.

There are many JavaScript frameworks, but here we’ll provide a quick overview of the most popular:

Angular JS

Born when “Boom Boom Pow” by The Black Eyed Peas was number one on the charts, Angular JS is an open-source, client-side web framework. It was created to address challenges with the development of single-page applications and makes development easier by offering a consistent and reliable framework for Client-side Model View Controller (MVC).

Angular JS allows for easy and automatic data synchronization, assists the user in asking for dependencies, is testable from development up, and has simple HTML page views. Angular JS is best when working with two-way data binding.

React JS

React JS is another open-source development tool. It functions more like a library than a full framework and can create views on both the client side and the server side. It’s ideal for building scalable network applications and uses a control view pattern. React JS doesn’t care if you use Django, ASP, or Ruby on Rails as a server-side web framework (while JavaScript can be used on both the server and client sides, it’s typically used on the client side.)

React JS also allows for clean JavaScript template creation, has very reusable components, and is easy to learn and start using. It’s different from Angular JS because of its reusability, shorter learning curve, and more dynamic framework.

Node JS

Node JS is basically an engine that runs JavaScript code on the server side. Its ability to run JavaScript on the computer, instead of a browser, makes it unique. Its event-driven architecture helps to simplify complex functions that would be standard in other frameworks. WIth Node JS, you have direct access to databases and the ability to listen and reply to network traffic and HTTP requests from the computer.

Node JS does make it harder to deal with concurrency, create lots of nested callbacks, and it lacks a standard library.

If you’re looking to design a new website for your business, contact today. Our professional developers have solid mastery over JavaScript in all its forms, and we can help you understand the intricacies of the language that makes the modern web possible. Professionals online have high standards for their web experience, and we want to help you exceed those standards with excellent, nuanced design.


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