Digital Transformation
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Django, Flask

Wagtail, Django CMS, CKAN



Laravel, Symfony

Magento, Opencart

Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla



React, Angular, Vue




Ionic, Cordova



Swift, Objective C

Digital Transformation

Medical Data Processing

Retail Digitalisation

Programming Workforce

Behind all this technology are incredible humans


Spontaneous Application

Trying your luck with a spontaneous application can be an excellent opportunity to reach your goals. By taking the initiative and manifesting your interest in Nixa, you have the chance to show your skills and motivation and benefit from a rewarding professional experience. Don't be afraid to take the initiative and submit your application for a position that interests you!

The Life of a Genius at Nixa

Start a New Project

Start a New Project

We listen to you and give you projects to manage. We take the time to work on internal projects. Join Nixa, because it's just great to learn with us!

The Best Working Conditions

The Best Working Conditions

Flexible schedule, freedom of work, choice of projects. We innovate constantly. We are ahead of the industry in our practices. We are a great team, composed only of the best.

Good Compensation

Good Compensation

Because loot is also important, isn’t it?

Collective Medical Insurance

Collective Medical Insurance

With a generous package, your family is protected with our Medical Insurance.

Team Building Activities

Team Building Activities

When the time comes to have fun together, we are the first in the line!

Food (free)

Food (free)

Don't worry about afternoon food cravings - we got you covered!

Remote Work

Remote Work

We have great offices, but we also have a great remote work policy :)

Paid Sick Days

Paid Sick Days

Because life happens, don't worry if you are sick and cannot work. Just take care of yourself and take a day off on us.

Collective Retirement Plan

Collective Retirement Plan

We're stronger together - plan your retirement while you work.

You are the Heart of the Company

You are the Heart of the Company

Nixa is a dynamic agency, a precursor of its domain. We want the best for our customers and think it's possible if we offer the best to our team members!

Apply Now

Nixa is a specialized programming firm, expert in complex and custom web development. Based in downtown Montreal, Nixa provides web and application development services to businesses and organizations around the world in search of quality and performance.